Priyani Haryanti, - (2019) Pengaruh Guided Imagery Terhadap Vital Sign Ibu Post Sectio Caesarea Di Rumah Sakit Bethesda Yogyakarta. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Muswil Ikatan Perawat Maternitas Indonesia (IPEMI) Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Ikatan Perawat Maternitas Indonesia (IPEMI) Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Semarang, pp. 34-47. ISBN 2540-9441
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6 1 Peer Review Widyawati, S. Kp., M. Kes., Ph. D.pdf Download (116kB) | Preview |
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6 2 Peer Review Dr. Wenny Artanty N, S.Kp., Ns., M.Kep.pdf Download (354kB) | Preview |
Latar Belakang: AKI (Angka Kematian Ibu) di Indonesia belum sesuai dengan harapan. Angka kematian ibu dari sensus penduduk 2015 mencapai 102/100.000 (Said; et al., 2016). Salah satu tindakan medis yang menjadi alternative penanganan ibu bersalin dengan komplikasi dan beresiko adalah dengan oprasi section caesarea. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ibu post operasi section caesarea 24 jam rata-rata mengeluh nyeri sedang dengan skala 6, tetapi mereka hanya mendapatkan anakgesik seperti: diklofenak,petidine, tramadol tanpa penanganan yang lain paska section caesarea (Kintu et al., 2019). Hasil wawancara pada 5 ibu post section caesarea, 4 orang mengatakan skala nyeri 4 dan 1 orang skala nyeri 3. Perawat mengajarkan relaksasi nafas dalam. Dan mereka belum pernah mendengar tentang guide imagery. Metode, desain quasy eksperimen. Tehnik sampling kuota dengan jumlah 30 ibu post section caesarea hari pertama. Responden dipimpin untuk focus pada nafas dalam dan mendengarkan cerita perawat diiringi musikinstrumen. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan Tensi, Termometer, dan jam yang sudah dikalibrasi rutin milik rumah sakit. Analisis menggunakan univariat dengan mean dan standart deviasi sedangkan analisis bivariat menggunakan paired t test. Hasil, Hasil analisis pengaruh guided imagery terhadap vital signs p value<0,05 dengan beda rata-rata tekanan darah sistolik 5 , tekanan darah diastolik 1,8, suhu 0,2, nadi 2,9 dan respirasi 0,66. Kesimpulan, Terdapat pengaruh guided imagery terhadap vital signs (tekanan darah sistolik, tekanan darah diastolik, suhu, nadi dan respirasi) ibu post sectiocaesarea hari pertama di Rumaha Sakit Bethesda Yogyakarta. Keyword: guided imagery, vital signs, post section caesarea ABSTRACT Background: Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia has not been in conformity with expectation. MMR based on 2015 census reached 102/100,00 (Said; et al., 2016). One of medical procedures as an alternative action to handle pregnant mother with complication and at risk is by having sectio caesarea. Research result showed post sectio caesarea mothers within the first 24 hours in average complained of having moderate pain with the scale of six but they only got analgesic such as diclofenac,pethidine, tramadol without another treatment (Kintu et al., 2019). The result of interview on five post sectio caesarea mothers revealed four mothers had pain with the scale of four and one mother with the scale of three. The nurses taught them deep breathing relaxation but they have never heard about Guided Imagery. Method, Quasy Experiment design. Quota sampling technique was applied with 30 first day post sectio caesarea mothers. The respondents were led to focus on deep breathing and listen to nurse’s story accompanied with instrumental music. Research instrument used sphygmomanometer, thermometer and a watch that has been routinely calibrated by the hospital. Univariate analysis was applied with mean and standard deviation while bivariate analysis was done with paired t-test. Result. The influence of Guided Imagery to vital signs with p value < 0.05 with average difference of systolic blood pressure is 5, diastolic blood pressure is 1,8 temperature is 0.2 pulse rate is 2.9 and respiration is 0.66. Conclusion. There is an influence of Guided Imagery to vital signs (systolic and diastolic blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate and respiration) of first day post sectio caesaria mothers in Bethesda Hospital Yogyakarta. Keyword: Guided Imagery, vital signs, post sectio caesarea
Item Type: | Book Section |
Subjects: | 600 Teknologi > 610 Ilmu Kedokteran > 618 Ginakologi dan Lain-Lain Kedokteran Khusus > 618.2 Obstetrik (Ilmu Kebidanan) |
Depositing User: | Krisno Tri Prasetyo |
Date Deposited: | 26 Feb 2021 02:30 |
Last Modified: | 26 Feb 2021 02:30 |
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